Pomi: "We have a state that requires promotes corruption and insecurity" E stas were the words of Dr. Enzo David Pomi (CC) after the end of the book "The Future is Today "Elisa Carrio in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. These weeks were attending various meetings autoconvocados neighboring security interest in communicating with the Democratic Security proposals of the Civic Coalition.
"I am proud of all statements of the Civic Coalition candidates. I felt relive my youth with Arturo Frondizi, Rogelio Frigerio and Arturo Illia, and even the spirit he felt in 1983 with the election of Raul Alfonsin and the return of democracy. I make special mention of the words of Elisa Carrio, Alfonso Prat Gay and Fernando Iglesias. I know that many radicals and socialists midistas ultimately Democrats are going to support this national project. It is the only force that rescues the early development and social liberalism that Bobbio had exposed "Pomi said in reference to the event.
Regarding the general issue of the Buenos Aires area, Dr. Enzo David Pomi said "I was having meetings with members of Community Safety Forums, neighborhood assemblies, many developed in Bridge Saavedra, Laprida street in Florida, in Munro, La Lucila and Olives, and all require the same, mediate and immediate measures to rectify the situation, until the province and nation Governments are run by competent, not this mediocre class of rulers. They are aware of the proposals of Democratic Security of our strength, ranging from measures of cooperation and village initiative to create Safety Municipal Forum, the Office of Security and the Guardia Urbana Municipal. People agree, they like, what they want and they will vote in August and October. That's what I'm ordering. "
He added "Meanwhile the neighbors are waiting for someone to do something, and that someone is all that, with deputies, ombudsmen, council or simple officials tend to give a concrete solution and apply it away from the discursive. And they are responsible for both the opposition as not to disseminate what works in security, as well as criteria for not joining in common, and the ruling party still does not realize that govern for all and not for personal business. Where are they? In the street, in clubs in neighborhoods, villages, do not see them. In contrast, the Civic Coalition which integrated and represented in every place I go, is this because we are going to govern this county and this state will end corruption and promote requiring security. "
On Thursday May 4, Dr. Enzo David Pomi, will be participating in the program "Voices of the City," Signs on Radio FM 92.5 MHz, led by journalist María Beatriz López, between the hours of 19 to 20 hours .
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