Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bam Margeras Tatoo On His Side

Genetically engineered foods: what we are exposed?

Genetic engineering allows you to perform in a short time and in a controlled manner before changes will take decades of work. Among them are GM foods, ie foods that have been genetically engineered to produce changes "positive" on them.

However, environmental organizations strongly disagree and have identified potential adverse effects to health-and environment-resulting from this process.

significant increases in production, food to last longer, which look more "pretty", who do not have many pests. These and others are the "goodness" of food "transgenic."

But the other side of the coin are the risks to the health of people, changes that result in changes that can bring irreversible consequences and unmanageable. Increased efficiency

The "transgenic" is a biotechnology that deals with the incorporation of new genes in an organism, generating new genetically modified organisms. In other words, is a process where specific information artificially transferred from one type of organism to another.

It is possible, for example, transfer to a culture that does not possess certain characteristics in their natural formation, and allows them to have some advantages: better defend themselves from pests, adding new nutrients, grow rapidly, more life trade, and more resistant to aggressive environmental conditions, among other things. All very good.

But, according to environmental organizations, the potential damages are very large. According to their point of view, the genetic structures have evolved very slowly over millions of years, forming a very complex and interconnected ecosystem. Edit this balance changes do not occur naturally, in the view of those opposed to GM foods, too risky.

The first genetically modified food in engineering to be produced for mass consumption was Svr tomato. Foods that were subsequently involved transgenic soya, which amended its constitution to make it more resistant to herbicides, and corn to be transmuted to resist certain insects and generate greater amounts by cultivation and harvesting.

Damage at the cost of health

that some crops can acquire certain "comparative advantage" does not sound bad. However, scientists have noticed some possible negative effects of GM foods.

First, they can cause allergies because one could be eating something with a gene from a food to which you have allergies and, of course, we do not have the slightest idea.

The other issue is the unpredictable toxic effects in the sense that when you introduce foreign genes into a food, it can produce substances that do not know how rare they can cause.

addition, a third very important point: resistance to antibiotics. It happens when you eat GM food they can go with genes that have resistance to these drugs, which can pass our pathogenic bacteria.

But that's not all, because the environment is also harmful. One of the biggest problems is that it contaminates the pollen from corn, soybeans or other GM seeds and the wind or by bees this pollen will be miles away and polluting plants native, making GM.

The consumption threatens to become our daily bread after the approval of the bill that would allow free entry of GM foods to our country. The measure has already been rejected by various individuals, unions and representatives of public and private institutions and threatens to become a new battlefront opened, precisely because a government that has been marked by legislation based on the interests of large transnational, with no respect for public opinion and much less about the health of the population.

Source: The First


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