Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quick Fix For Constipation


Workers threat alert to Fujimori.

want to return to power after the first theft, and want to do with armor. As they are considered "good officers" that anyone touching them. "Special legal protection, what lack of shame! REACTIONS


analyst Alberto Adrianzen

"The Fujimori government relaxed market and labor rights were removed. Keiko made to defend his father suggests that it will repeat the same steps of his father and will not return the labor rights to workers who were terminated "

Aprista Carlos Roca

"The Fujimori regime ignored the rights of workers through the 1993 text. And a new government of Keiko does not make us think that this will change. She gives no guarantee of changes for the workers but that it will further intensify her plight.

Juan Sheput
"Keiko in the labor issue will more of it than did his father Albert, who declined the rights of workers and to enact laws against what it commands the International Labour Organization, intends to continue relying on the market and thus more flexible labor rights, rather than increase productivity of enterprises "

Eduardo Toche
" She would be the continuation of that regime that left no bargaining power to unions which resulted in the decline in household income and no ability to generate employment. What did his father and which she has not even tried to change a little, has produced inequality "

Program talks about "respect the rights" and restore his father's policies, which eliminated all labor rights and dismissed more than a million.

With the background of the dismissal of a million public workers during the reign of his father, the accused Alberto Fujimori, the government program of the candidate Keiko Fujimori says that "we will respect the rights acquired by those who hold public office" what sounds like sarcasm, as the regime of the nineties eliminated all the rights of workers, especially job security.

The text clearly refers to schemes and services CAS nonpersonal (SNP), established by the Fujimori government and keep the public service workers in unstable and thus do not involve the employment relationship, or social security or retirement benefits or benefits of any kind, acknowledging only 15 days annual leave.

This means that the candidate wants to leave things as they are, despite the clamor of workers to be removed by these procedures and labor rights are restored by the fujimorato sweeps.

In addition, there are other antecedents of the candidate's father, as we reiterate, the dismissal of more than one million workers.

On 28 December 1992, the dictatorial regime issued Decree Law N ยบ 26093, which instituted the biannual evaluation of government staff, ordering a halt to that approved, including on grounds of redundancy.

Later, the scheme issued DS-PCM 017-96, stating that under any of the ways of delivering public services agency, was admitted to the dismissal of DL 26093, as having been sent into exile perpetual state sector, for some cause that nobody ever told them.

Not to forget

Figures were conservative estimates indicate that roughly a million evacuees from their jobs and thrown into unemployment without any benefit, in order to provide the government of the time the reorganization of state agencies, creating technocratic schemes: direction, management and consultancy paid to what is left to pay those who went to the street.

Workers at all levels: professional, administrative or service, they were subjected to tests of knowledge developed in a whim to pull the majority and from this condition remained in "prohibition", which was like a reproach hung in the chest indicating who had disapproved. As a testimony of what happened, are unjustified dismissal lists recognized in the last ten years (we're about to enter the fifth), which represented a high cost of compensation paid many years after the abuse.

Reflecting on this period, Jaime Yoshiyama plan that has been made to the candidate, however introduces the following comment: "The government of the 1990 counts among its virtues of being recognized as a highly technocratic government with quality pictures that made possible the reforms that paved the takeoff of Peru. It is essential to establish the conditions that enable technical staff return quality to serve the state and see in it an area of \u200b\u200bprofessional development. "

There is no one self from an open wound, much less an explanation of why a high technocratic lived with a high corruption in handling such sensitive processes such as privatization, debt restructuring, construction and procurement States, the massive social programs, etc.

Present and past

Keiko and his troupe are shown brutally insensitive to public worker as a person. That's why the boast of its "previous administration", pick one to one its instruments, including assessment, now called "competitive selection".

According to the Plan that anyone can access the Internet and right-wing press avoids discussing, we see that the state and decision-making positions to within are the object of desire of the orange:

"Those places that open from the beginning of our Government, to promote competitive selection of public officials to the ranges that represent the middle management layer of state institutions at management level, sub, managers and assistant managers in the entire executive branch. "

This is the goal: having many directors, managers, assistant managers, contracted out, with salaries equivalent to private sector. What about the rest? Again we go to plan: We will respect the rights acquired by those who hold public office ... consolidate competitive access systems, which gives priority to those officials who are developing a public career and can demonstrate merit based on their performance to justify its promotion ".

This sounds so innocent can be translated, however, as there is nothing more than status quo for those already in the state administration. Nor for contractors, especially those of the CAS, which could be flown from their posts without explanation. Have they studied the Force 2011, the public sector labor issues? There is no funding for new positions, but the method of fire last time was in office for three or four, to name a better paid. Will he return? Nothing says no. And to finish the sword of Damocles of "selections and competitive access" or "accreditation of merit", as in the 90's, they control and direct according to their interests to arm the technocratic and authoritarian state that interests them.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcivil service of old Fujimorismo today is the technocratic power based on well-paid workers with few rights, which can be withdrawn according to the convenience of the government. This represents a severe threat on a second raid of state employees. State Corruption

chapter also state administration brings a subsection on "good official protection" extremely curious to a political trend with so many records on corruption. But there it is: "Our experience in the government of the 1990 shows that ... our legal system does not protect the good public servants to abuse and can only reduce the incentives for good professionals a public career with dignity. Thus, we will establish a special legal protection for those civil servants whose duties may involve legal questions from those affected or by the State, provided that such functions have been exercised in accordance with law. "

Source: The First


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