Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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Susana Higuchi, a reminder

(1) Susana Higuchi Keiko suffered abuse and not support it. (2) Susana Higuchi taken refuge in the discretion and your health would be sensitive. (3) When you remember that Keiko left his mother says do not talk about family matters.

interview César Hildebrandt, taken from the weekly "Hidebrandt in Thirteen" and published under the title "The day that Fujimori hated me more than ever" on September 14, 2010.

While in Madrid I did several things that did not like anything to Fujimori. One was to ensure, through my contacts, the English parliament passed a motion condemning the abuses and corruption of the Fujimori dictatorship. Another was to write a long article about the dirty tricks that alias President had committed against his wife yet. But the worst thing I did, which, as I learned from very good sources, was a scurrilous vomit on me was to go to Lima in the middle of 1995, when the first reelection, and interview with Susana Higuchi. The interview was played in five consecutive pages, the important supplement Black and White, the Sunday ABC: 450.000 copies released as darts, from Madrid, this modest server. From that moment, life Susan became even more unbearable. Fujimori is not believed that the symbolic and ultimately unsuccessful candidacy of his exiled partner could succeed-failed because he made sure that the Electoral Jury rejects. It was the reckless accumulation of secrets and revelations in the bedroom which was taken out of nerves. Fujimori knew, also, thanks to microphones installed in the room where the dialogue was that Susan was telling me the morning that of 1991, which surprised her husband hiding something small in a desk drawer at night. At that time they were at peace, so Mrs. Fujimori failed to open later and alone, the package. Was cocaine, as confirmed by a policeman friend who gave him a modicum of substance. That part of the interview on the ABC censured. I do not know how embarrassed or what kind of erratic patriotism led me to it. Now I can say.

Susana Higuchi, who has an easy laugh and quick wit, has become for her estranged husband in the worst headache of a regime eager to unanimity. Since last August 3, First Lady of Peru left the official residence for installation in precarious conditions in pre-university academia Wisconsin, she and her husband founded a few years ago as part of the commons. Shortly before to take his drastic decision asked for money to go to the dentist. Fujimori refused. The discussion ended when she asked him ironically if he should borrow from Santiago Fujimori, brother of the President and appointed by the opposition as a character who dabbles in turbidity.

"How" said the Peruvian president, "have not always said that you are repulsed by dirty money?": That was, apparently, the explosive moment of decision.

Since then, Susana Higuchi is committed to fight with all his forces against the reelection of her husband and she seems determined to lead a political candidacy.

- Do you think, really, who can become president of the Republic and all this is a trial balloon to try other things?
"We are on track. I have received much popular support. It started as a women's group in lca and now is this movement that you see.

- Somebody's finances?
"This academy has worked two summers and those funds are being used.

- And where will get the money to buy a tractor, as she used her husband's campaign of 90?
"I need a tractor. Only the flag of honesty. Her husband also

talked about it in 1990. Remember that honesty in the slogan of Change-90?
"They were words. I say, as we were taught the Incas, "Do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy." And I see you are stealing and they are lying.

- Is there not been a great idea Intelligence Service you use it to distract attention, and "downgrade" the candidacy of former UN Secretary General Perez de Cuellar?
"They are so smart. They have done so many stupid things ...! Only the ladies can play and this is chess.

Do you think this is theater?
"Just pick up the impression of some.

Are not you, then the equivalent Fujimori skirt?
- Will I see you like that?

-No. First, are you a nice person.
"Thank you.

"Her husband has spent two thirds of his administration to discredit the political parties. Do you think now that strengthening democracy is necessary to restore health to the parties?
"I think so. And there we are.

- Where are the major disagreements with Alberto Fujimori?
"For starters, the economic policy that has been done with axes and machetes. Look, I could also bring down inflation to zero. I assure you it would be three months. Of course, then half of the population would starve.

"It seems to be only a hypothesis. This is evident in the streets.
"That's reality. Do you know how TB has increased? There is too much hunger and poverty.

- Have you had any phone contact with her husband?
"Nothing, since last August.

- How did you feel when referring to you, Fujimori spoke of "nonsense"?
"That was talking to the liver. And lately that's not unusual for him.

The husband was good and that might makes unrecognizable. That is the summary of this story, right?
-can say that.

- What you want to rescue him back?

And then, the dream of the party and the program and the fight against corruption "as a pretext for a highly personal crusade?
-No. I'm fighting against corruption because corruption is part of power today. And I want to participate in politics because, after what I saw, I want to help save my country.

- Do you think the elections will be clean?
"Obviously not.

- Will her husband use all levers of power to get re-elected?
"That is clear. We're living it.

"You spoke of the attempted kidnapping of which he was subjected. Could fear for his life?
"Everything seems possible in the country. But I will say something you do not want to sound dramatic, do not I have no fear of death. The life I lead is a gift.

"You know very well the man who says he loves very well yet and it corrupted environment. Are people able to ...?
- How to kill?

"Yes. Are capable.

- Do you love actually, her husband, yet?
"Do not forget I am a mother, I have four children and I am Catholic and old-fashioned.

"I do not answer. Do you love?
"I love the person you remember he was. Power is completely changed and transformed it into a monster.

- What would you say to Peruvians not to vote for continuity?
-I would say it's time to say no to the lies, not the lack of principles and values, not resentment.

"If your husband changed his advisers and friends," would you do with him? "I believe
cost. I can not believe you have been deceived when not seventy times seven, but fifty thousand times.

- Do you, like many other Peruvians, phones tapped?
-All, without exception.

- And how do you communicate?
-Yo, calm. I speak without fear because I speak the truth. I know there are microphones in this room.

- Did you know?
"I've checked several times. "So this interview is being recorded.

You mean I have an unfair competition in this room?
- (Laughs) No doubt. What happens is that there is competition because it will not dare publish.

"I'm relieved, Susan, know that. But this is sinister believe me. Romania Looks like the 85. Is nausea.
"What baseness, right? Why have we come to this?

- Did you experience humiliation in recent times? Countless
-in every sense of the word. Because I can not tell and because I'm embarrassed to count.

- Can you give me an idea?
-spitting, shoving. There has been everything. It was a dirty war. Worse than dead.

-comforting test that has not bitter.
- Do you know? No spit I fell down. No insult: who will be speaking,

said ... "If in 1989 you I had known what we now know of her husband, would he have accompanied so enthusiastically as he did?
No way. I would have with a stick in the head.


Are you aware that it is the largest contributor to indirect Javier Perez de Cuellar?
I know. And I like. I'd like even if he won the election.

I'd like to win any less corrupt this dome is to encysting.

- What are the basic traits you consider the personality of Alberto Fujimori?
Pride. From there comes his authoritarianism. I refer, of course, the Fujimori in recent times. But it was not always so.

- Can the power change as a person?
That has been the case. I admit I do not believe me. It seems someone else. And I think they have been bad company. I started not to believe him and that never happened between us.

Were many lies?
A sequence of lies of all kinds, and pretty big. Lies that covered other lies. He ended up believing them, tangled in them.

Is not had the opportunity to talk with your husband? How to say this is so, does not seem right, remedial? Since
-90, imagine that I spoke many times with my husband of these things. But it was useless.

- And what was your reaction?
"Silence. Disdain. We went in one ear and out the other.

-In 1990 his image, Susanna, was instrumental in the selection of those who now deserves to step close. Is not it a paradox?
I'm not clairvoyant. He could not know in 1990 that my husband and betray.

And that betray you.
That does not interest me. For all I care. I'm talking about more important things. I speak, for example, that my husband is sick. Sick soul.

How about you, did not change the power?
"I have not had power. But in any case, my proximity to power has made me more sensitive to the poor, those who die in the streets. I appreciate now more humility.

What was the worst he saw in the Government Palace?
"I saw so many things ... To each worse. I remember December EL12 de1991 I told my husband how it was that they were selling clothes donated under the name of the Ladies Committee of the Government Palace. Many people come to claim refunds, whatever. There were even those who dared to tell me that I was no invoice. How can I give no bill?, Screaming. And I thought the manager will be selling clothes from the Foundation for Children Peru, the head of the store. Then I said, no, you are selling is your sister.

- Did he tell you all that to your husband?
-In the most direct. I said they were disgraced.

- And what did he do?
"Nothing. He told me not me to get where they called me.

- he did not know him from his family with these donations?
"Not only do not know: he ran everything.

"A dirty affair, literally.

- How would you describe what happened in 1990 with the government? "It was a goodbye
gradual a los sueños, a los ideales, a las bases del partido. Hasta le cambiaron el nombre y hoy no existe.

-¿El autogolpe del 5 de abril fue el cimiento de esta dictadura hipócrita y encubierta que tenemos ahora?
–Así es. Lo que hay ahora es autocracia, dictadura. Todo está controlado, hasta el Jurado Nacional de Elecciones.

-¿Y las Fuerzas Armadas?
–Mi esperanza se basa en que no todos son como los que las mandan. Hay una gran mayoría de renegados que no están de acuerdo con muchas cosas que están pasando. Los “Espadas de Honor” no están en los ascensos, imagínese.

-¿Y quién hace esa calificación?
"The National Intelligence Service, my husband, Santiago Fujimori, Jaime Yoshiyama.

- Is elects promoted for their docility?
"That is a word too soft. They are first to sin and then have them bound. -0

is that what I thought was a novel of intrigue is a police.
-Machiavelli was a kid, that's the truth.

- What is the mechanism that facilitates extortion promotions?
"That is so.

- Is not it, Susan, that all these complaints, the separation, the application, the recklessness that is showing, is that you want, understandably, that her husband's respect, the respect back?
That would speak only on behalf of itself. The issue is the contempt and arrogance suffered twenty-two million Peruvians. I fight for ideals.

- Would not it be too much for two Fujimori arrived on the Presidency?
- Why not?

"Let's say for the statistics.
"In human affairs, two plus two are four.

"But one minus one is not six.
"You talk of Fujimori as if we were the same. My husband has a motto: divide and rule. I am of those who want to add people, wishes. I would not admit-corruption ni viviría rodeada por ella. Yo quiero la paz de verdad, no la paz del miedo.

-¿Qué pasa si no aceptan la inscripción de su candidatura?
–No creo que eso suceda. Sería un escándalo internacional.

–Pero este gobierno está acostumbrado al escándalo.
–No olvide que quieren cambiar su imagen, que quieren lavarse la cara.

-¿No cree usted que está en una posición privilegiada respecto de otros candidatos? ¡Sabe usted tanto del presidente!
–Por eso me siento, en el fondo, segura.

Y porque sé que él no tiene nada contra mí. No he pecado, a pesar de todas las tentaciones. Tentaciones también the ruling bloc in Congress.

- Are you tempted a lot?
-many times and in all ways and styles. I offered the cake and eat it as long as you push certain laws. Maybe they thought I had more power than it actually was.

- Would not it be that Fujimori wanted to do with you what you said to make the military: Extortion?
"Maybe. But failed. And that's why you see me quiet, with a clear conscience and laughing whenever I can.

"If your husband and I beg pardon urgiese to withdraw from the campaign, would you?
No. Even after the second round I not open the door.

Source: The First


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